Snippets of Information Hindu Gods and Goddesses - Other deities
* 12 Oct 2022
Tithi Nitya Devis (Sri Vidya Upasana)
Sri Kameshwari Nityadevi
Sri Bhagamalinee Nityadevi
Sri Nityaklinna Nityadevi
Sri Bherunda Nityadevi
Sri Vahnivasinee Nityadevi
Sri Vajreshwaree Nityadevi
Sri Shivadootee also known as Shiva dooti Nityadevi
Sri Twarita Nityadevi Dhyanashloka
Sri Kulasundaree Nityadevi
Sri Nitya Nityadevi
Sri Neelapataka Nityadevi
Sri Vijaya Nitya Nityadevi
Sri Sarvamangala Nityadevi
Sri Jvalamalini Nityadevi
Sri Chitra Nityadevi
* 10 Dec 2021
The Seven goddess with the equal power of Male deities are called Saptamatrikas
( Seven Mothers ). The group starts with Veerabhdra and ends with
Vinayaka. The saptamatrika group consists of Brahmi ( Saraswati ),
Brahma, Maheswari ( Raudani ), Kaumari ( Kartikeyani ), Vaishnavi (
Lakshmi ), Varahi or the boar, Indrani and Chamundi or Yami, the
respective male deities of Brahma, Lord Shiva, Murugan, Vishnu,
Varahar an incarnation of Vishnu, Indra and Yama. As per Varaha
purana, the Matrikas group consists of 8, goddess, Yogeswari, who comes
out of Lord Shiva’s mouth called Ashta Matrikas. Individual
mothers are identified through the weapons they are holding, face,
Hair style and the vahana. Usually all the goddess are in
seating position in Lalithasana posture with 4 hands. The upper
hands holds their respective weapons and lower hands will be in abhaya
& varada hastham.
As per Varaha purana Saptamatrikas are created to help Lord Shiva to
kill Andhakasura. As per Devimahatmiyam Saptamatrikas are created to
help Durga to kill Nimbanisumba Demons. From Suprabhedagama
Saptamatrikas are created to kill demon Niruthi by Brahma. Saptamatrikas
iconography is described in Agnipurana, Amsumathbethagamam, Poorva
Kaaranagamam, Matsiyapurana, Urubamanthanam, Vishwakarma Sasthiram,
Sirparathinam and Sri Thathuvanidhi. Saptamatrika worship was started
from Pandya Period ( from 6th Century Rock cut caves ), continued during
Pallavas and Chozhas till 12th Century, latter they are combined
together and single deity was formed. But still Varahi one of the old
Saptamatrika group is in worship as a separate deity in many places.
* Jul 2021
Indra, the king of the Devas is the most important of the Vedic Gods. He
is considered a warrior God & the God of rain & thunder.
weapon - Vajraayudha (thunder bolt)
vahaana (vehicle) - Airaavadha (the white elephant)
consort - Sachi (Indrani)
Offsprings - Jayanta, Midhusa, Nilambara, Khamla, Rbhus, Rsabha, Arjuna
(son of Kunti), Deivayanai (his daughter was named so, since she was
brought up by a elephant - yaanai)
Indra Gayatri
oṃ devaraajaaya vidmahe
vajrahastāya dheemahi
tanno indraḥ prachodayaat
oṃ devaraajaaya vidmahe
vajrahastāya dheemahi
tanno sakrah prachodayaat
* Jul 2021
Asta Dikpalas are the eight deities ruling over the eight quarters of the universe (8 Diśa, Disha or Dik).
Though frequently mentioned, they are rarely worshipped. In Hinduism it
is traditional to represent their images on the walls and ceilings of
Hindu temples.
Ashta Dikku Balagargal (Lords of the eight directions)
Indran - East (Pūrva, Prāchi, Prāk in Sanskrit)
Vehicle - Iravadaham (white elephant)
Wife - Sasidevi
Varunan - West (Paścima, Pratīchi, Apara)
Vehicle - Crocodile
Wife - Vaaruni
Yaman - South (Dakshina, Avāchi)
Vehicle - Buffalo
Wife - Aiyai
Guberan - North (Uttara, Udīchi)
Vehicle - Human being
Wife - Manorama
Vaayu - North West (Vāyavya)
Vehicle - Deer
Wife - Vaayaavi
Isaanyan - North East (Īśānya)
Vehicle - Oxen
Wife - Gowri
Agni - South East (Āgneya)
Vehicle - Goat
Wife - Kavaahaa
Nairudhi - South West (Nairṛti)
Vehicle - Horse
Wife - Yaadudhaan
Zenith (above) (Ūrdhva) - Brahmā
Nadir (below) (Adho) - Viṣṇu
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