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Hindu God - Village and tribal deities

* 22 Sep 2021
Khovar & Sohrai Art
Ayyanar or Sastha or Chattan is a village gaurdian deity. Sastha is term that means a teacher, ayyan a term denoting a respected one. The colourful huge idols can be seen at the village boundaries.  He is usually seen seated, standing or riding a horse with a bent stick, sword or whip in his hand.  Mounts associated with him are the horse, elephant or sometimes the tiger. He is also seen sometimes with his consorts - Poorna and Pushkala. Pavadairayan, Karuppasamy and Madurai Veeran are his atendant gaurdian deities.  Teraacota horses are placed outside the temples by devotees either in prayer or as a gesture of thanks.